Friday 11 October 2024

Book 2 - Chapter 10


Well, it might be late in the day, but it is still being posted on a Friday! This video in particular makes me consider getting a microphone instead of using my AirPods. Could it be they were dying? Perhaps. Could it also be my computer was dying? Very likely. Either way, the sound quality isn't fabulous. But the setting is lovely.

Please enjoy this weeks reading of The Phoenix and the Enchanter - Chapter 10.

Friday 4 October 2024

Book 2 - Chapter 9

Hey y'all! Not sure if you noticed there was a mid-week post this week of Chapter 8. And now we have Chapter 9, hot on the heels of our previous post!

You may be asking yourself, why would she post two videos in one week when she often posts late instead? Well, I've set up reminders in my phone of when to record, when to edit, and when to post. Being a couple days late isn't a problem, but being a week late on every posting is going to get very annoying, very quickly. Redoing all of my reminders seemed more frustrating than just doing an extra post in a week. So here you go, lucky people. My ADHD is making me choose the more time consuming but less tedious option because it seemed less annoying. ;)

So please enjoy this recording of Chapter 9!

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Book 2 - Chapter 8

Surprise! It's a mid-week chapter release!

You'll notice there is a lot of background noise on this video. Some is kids from the neighbouring campground, some is my mom packing up our tent. Although I wanted to do a series of videos while travelling, it took far too much time from our schedule and just wasn't feasible, so this is the only travel video I have for you at this time. 

I hope you enjoy Chapter 8 of the Phoenix and the Enchanter. 

Thursday 19 September 2024

Book 2 - Chapter 7


Hello loyal supporters! I'm so excited to share chapter 7 with you from a location in my very beautiful back yard. Well, not my actual back yard, but my local area. 

I hope you enjoy this gorgeous location and this acceptable recording of chapter 7

Please note, due to my absence next week, there will be no chapter release until the following week. I look forward to sharing with you then!

Sunday 15 September 2024

Book 2 - Chapter 6

It seems to me that this blog posting may be changing from every Friday to every Sunday. Either way, it is being posted once a week. And isn't that what we're all cheering for?

I'll admit, there are some aspects of posting that are a little strange to me. I understand if several people watch the first chapter and then attendance drops off because of lack of interest or time. But what always throws me off is when there is the same number of people watching the majority of videos until one week there is one person less, then it goes back up to the original number. I want to reach out to that person and say, "you missed a chapter!" There's no other reason the stats drop like that. 

So if you've watched the chapter last week and thought to yourself, "Did I miss something?" You did. 

Once you've caught up, please continue reading through the next chapter of The Phoenix and the Enchanter with me as we read Chapter 6.

Sunday 8 September 2024

Book 2 - Chapter 5


This has to be one of my favourite videos, not because the chapter is extraordinarily interesting (I hope it is a bit, but we're still building story on this one), but because I love this setting. It was so much fun to video here, although I do believe I ended up with a sliver in my pants and given the rocking motion of the video at one point, there is a likelihood I didn't notice a lizard somewhere on the computer. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the second... no wait, the fifth chapter of the Phoenix and the Enchanter, which is the second book in the Saga of Major Nature.

Just as an aside, I was chatting with a friend today and showing her around our church library and showed her my books. She had no idea I was an author. So if you want to know how great I am of an advertiser, just know that I have friends who don't know that I write. :) I put all of my advertising into the hands of my beloved readers. 

With that, please enjoy Chapter 5.

Sunday 1 September 2024

Book 2 - Chapter 4

Happy Long Weekend! As you're preparing for the kids to return to school and settling back into regular routine, wouldn't it be nice to have something fun to add to the week of doldrums? There is!

I invite you to spend some time reading through my books! I recommend starting at book one, either watching the previous videos or reading it in old fashioned paperback. Then moving right along to book two. Eventually you will arrive at chapter 4 of the Phoenix and the Enchanter, the subject of today's video!

Please feel free to watch this chapter whenever you choose. Happy reading/listening!

Click on this link to read Chapter 4 of the Phoenix and the Enchanter.

Book 2 - Chapter 10

  Well, it might be late in the day, but it is still being posted on a Friday! This video in particular makes me consider getting a micropho...